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Lesson timetable: July 7 - 9 17:00 - 20:00
July 10 - 12 17:00 - 21:00 (total of 21 hours)
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Selected songs from the entire spectrum of traditional music that capture, narrate and express sometimes suggestively as obituaries or lullabies and sometimes accusingly like newspapers of their time, female nature and action, gender-based violence, femicide, the timeless struggle of women to to exist and to play, among other things, a subversive, equal and worthy role of their multifarious nature, in a society with harsh patriarchal structures, stereotypes and conditions offensive to the nature that gives birth in many ways, is essentially present in all the rituals of life and "narrows the whole world''.
The woman centuries ago:
She broods, gives birth, lulls, nourishes, mourns, mourns, self-denying knits, weaves the whole world she raises her husbands' children, the household shrinks, the whole world shrinks, She falls in love, goes against her time to join her love
She dreams and pays dearly for it It is stigmatized by the soi and from society The woman ..the "ugly" If she doesn't marry, she's called an "old lady" She never becomes a mother and is called "unclean"
But she obligatorily takes care of her brothers and nephews for life
She is captured and sold as a slave in bazaars
The black woman...
Every woman for centuries:
She is enslaved to the man and his harems It stands out for its beauty, she's in a hurry priestess in a temple, a queen is buried alive with her pharaoh or maharaja once they die
She is burned at the stake as a witch
She is being mutilated
She becomes a partner, grammar
Goes out to the mountains
Becomes a Guerrilla, Nun, Bride Dress Up, Widow Dress Up, she is considered property and abused, being murdered, from the brother, the husband, the father, sometimes from the patriarchal mother, she punishes and redeems herself by literally or figuratively killing her tyrant
She dies and rises again,
Mother Goddess, mother nature, in the eternal cycles of the moon..
For centuries it has played a primary role in a cycle of rituals of life, creation and death but also in early agrarian societies and tribes around the world, female nature was praised and honored as mother, mother Goddess or mother nature with a sacred role, almost equal to man and worthy of respect. Subsequently, in the most economically and culturally advanced societies, the role of women was limited to the narrow and limited frameworks of a deeply patriarchal structure and hierarchy, which wanted her to be his property and inferior to the man, subordinate to him. Woman produced culture often quietly through a suppressed life and existence for centuries, something given but not significantly recognized in the harsh world of patriarchy. Both scholarly (=named) and popular culture (=anonymous creation of the people, folklore) bear witness to female achievements intertwined with life and its most important circles, the female key mystic in the rituals of existence, inspirer and inspired. The roots of the phenomenon of their devaluation are lost in the millennia and the tragic consequences of this centuries-long subjugation are strongly experienced to this day in the bodies and souls of women.
July 10 - 12 17:00 - 21:00 (total of 21 hours)
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You can only register for the waiting list.
Selected songs from the entire spectrum of traditional music that capture, narrate and express sometimes suggestively as obituaries or lullabies and sometimes accusingly like newspapers of their time, female nature and action, gender-based violence, femicide, the timeless struggle of women to to exist and to play, among other things, a subversive, equal and worthy role of their multifarious nature, in a society with harsh patriarchal structures, stereotypes and conditions offensive to the nature that gives birth in many ways, is essentially present in all the rituals of life and "narrows the whole world''.
The woman centuries ago:
She broods, gives birth, lulls, nourishes, mourns, mourns, self-denying knits, weaves the whole world she raises her husbands' children, the household shrinks, the whole world shrinks, She falls in love, goes against her time to join her love
She dreams and pays dearly for it It is stigmatized by the soi and from society The woman ..the "ugly" If she doesn't marry, she's called an "old lady" She never becomes a mother and is called "unclean"
But she obligatorily takes care of her brothers and nephews for life
She is captured and sold as a slave in bazaars
The black woman...
Every woman for centuries:
She is enslaved to the man and his harems It stands out for its beauty, she's in a hurry priestess in a temple, a queen is buried alive with her pharaoh or maharaja once they die
She is burned at the stake as a witch
She is being mutilated
She becomes a partner, grammar
Goes out to the mountains
Becomes a Guerrilla, Nun, Bride Dress Up, Widow Dress Up, she is considered property and abused, being murdered, from the brother, the husband, the father, sometimes from the patriarchal mother, she punishes and redeems herself by literally or figuratively killing her tyrant
She dies and rises again,
Mother Goddess, mother nature, in the eternal cycles of the moon..
For centuries it has played a primary role in a cycle of rituals of life, creation and death but also in early agrarian societies and tribes around the world, female nature was praised and honored as mother, mother Goddess or mother nature with a sacred role, almost equal to man and worthy of respect. Subsequently, in the most economically and culturally advanced societies, the role of women was limited to the narrow and limited frameworks of a deeply patriarchal structure and hierarchy, which wanted her to be his property and inferior to the man, subordinate to him. Woman produced culture often quietly through a suppressed life and existence for centuries, something given but not significantly recognized in the harsh world of patriarchy. Both scholarly (=named) and popular culture (=anonymous creation of the people, folklore) bear witness to female achievements intertwined with life and its most important circles, the female key mystic in the rituals of existence, inspirer and inspired. The roots of the phenomenon of their devaluation are lost in the millennia and the tragic consequences of this centuries-long subjugation are strongly experienced to this day in the bodies and souls of women.
Maria Koti was born and raised in Crete. He studied Classical philology and has a degree in Byzantine music. She was fascinated by music and lyrics from an early age, which made her take up music and especially singing. Since 2000, she has been a member of the Haine group as the main singer in the discography and live performances. He has made contributions to the discography, collaborations and joint appearances with well-known musicians and artists in Greece and abroad). He has collaborated with Giorgos Koumendakis in the context of his opera, entitled "The Slayer", which was staged in 2014 at Megaro Musikis. He has attended Bulgarian and Turkish singing lessons as part of the "Labyrinth" music seminars in Houdetsi Pediados organized by the great musician and teacher Ross Daly, he has participated in traditional and folk music groups and was a founding member of the vocal ensemble "Sanades". He teaches and organizes traditional singing workshops in Crete, Athens, Ikaria and elsewhere. She is basically a folk musician and singer, with a technique shaped both by the sounds she collected from the music of her place (Crete), as well as by her subsequent personal engagement with the music of the world, (she has made her recording debut with metal music (Asphodel) in which he also has compositional-lyrical activity).
Δισκογραφία :
‘’Floating in nowhere (Asphodel),1997,‘’Φτερουγίσματα’’,1999,’’Στου κύκλου τα γυρίσματα’’,2000,΄΄Ο Ξιπόλητος Πρίγκηπας 2000’’,’’Δελτίο ειδήσεων’’,2002,΄΄Ο κόσμος που ονειρεύτηκα’’,2002’’θλιμμένο μου χαμόγελο’’,2004,’’Ο Γητευτής και το Δρακοδόντι’’,2005,’’Δεν έχει η αγάπη σύνορα’’,2005,’’Το σκοτεινό τρυγόνι’’,2006,’’Ο Καραγκιόζης στη Γιουροβίζιον’’,2007,’’Κάνω τη ρίζα μου φτερό’’,2008,’’Η κάθοδος των Σαλτιμπάγκων’’,2008 ‘’Yurodny ‘’Odd set’’ 2008,,’’Ερως ανίκατε μάχαν’’ 2009,’’Λέει η ζωή’’,2009,’’Αγροτοκτηνοτροφικά και Μητροπολιτικά’’,2011, Αφιέρωμα στο Γιάννη Τατασόπουλο’’ “Οσα χρόνια κι αν περάσουν’’, 2011,’’Ισως, Νίκος Πορτοκάλογλου,2012,Μάρκος κ Γιώργος Κωσταντάκης’’Τση σκέψης μου τα λούλουδα’’, ”Του έρωτα και της μοναξιάς”,Εκτορας Κυριάκου,2014, “Πέρα από τα σύνορα” Ψαραντώνης, ΧαΪνηδες, Mode Plagal,MLK 2014, ”Καρπός” - Γιώργος Μαυρομανωλάκης,Νοτιάς 2014, ”Από το φώς και το σκοτάδι” Νίκος Παραουλάκης, Δημήτρης Παπαχαραλάμπους,MLK,2014, ”Bάλσαμο”, Βάσω Βασιλειάδου 2016,Το hip hop της Μεσογείου - Αντίποινα & Social Waste” (2017, ανεξάρτητη παραγωγή), ‘Δημήτρης Ζαχαριουδάκης - Χαρτάκι’ ℗ 2018 Chromodiastasi Ltd / MLK, “Βάρδα φουρνέλο”, Χαϊνηδες, εκδ.Καστανιωτη 2021, “Ο παρατηρητής”, Μαρία Κώτη, εκδόσεις “Σείστρον”, 2021. Νέα δισκογραφική εργασία υπό έκδοση με τίτλο’’ Αλλού με βγάζει ο δρόμος’’.
Δισκογραφία :
‘’Floating in nowhere (Asphodel),1997,‘’Φτερουγίσματα’’,1999,’’Στου κύκλου τα γυρίσματα’’,2000,΄΄Ο Ξιπόλητος Πρίγκηπας 2000’’,’’Δελτίο ειδήσεων’’,2002,΄΄Ο κόσμος που ονειρεύτηκα’’,2002’’θλιμμένο μου χαμόγελο’’,2004,’’Ο Γητευτής και το Δρακοδόντι’’,2005,’’Δεν έχει η αγάπη σύνορα’’,2005,’’Το σκοτεινό τρυγόνι’’,2006,’’Ο Καραγκιόζης στη Γιουροβίζιον’’,2007,’’Κάνω τη ρίζα μου φτερό’’,2008,’’Η κάθοδος των Σαλτιμπάγκων’’,2008 ‘’Yurodny ‘’Odd set’’ 2008,,’’Ερως ανίκατε μάχαν’’ 2009,’’Λέει η ζωή’’,2009,’’Αγροτοκτηνοτροφικά και Μητροπολιτικά’’,2011, Αφιέρωμα στο Γιάννη Τατασόπουλο’’ “Οσα χρόνια κι αν περάσουν’’, 2011,’’Ισως, Νίκος Πορτοκάλογλου,2012,Μάρκος κ Γιώργος Κωσταντάκης’’Τση σκέψης μου τα λούλουδα’’, ”Του έρωτα και της μοναξιάς”,Εκτορας Κυριάκου,2014, “Πέρα από τα σύνορα” Ψαραντώνης, ΧαΪνηδες, Mode Plagal,MLK 2014, ”Καρπός” - Γιώργος Μαυρομανωλάκης,Νοτιάς 2014, ”Από το φώς και το σκοτάδι” Νίκος Παραουλάκης, Δημήτρης Παπαχαραλάμπους,MLK,2014, ”Bάλσαμο”, Βάσω Βασιλειάδου 2016,Το hip hop της Μεσογείου - Αντίποινα & Social Waste” (2017, ανεξάρτητη παραγωγή), ‘Δημήτρης Ζαχαριουδάκης - Χαρτάκι’ ℗ 2018 Chromodiastasi Ltd / MLK, “Βάρδα φουρνέλο”, Χαϊνηδες, εκδ.Καστανιωτη 2021, “Ο παρατηρητής”, Μαρία Κώτη, εκδόσεις “Σείστρον”, 2021. Νέα δισκογραφική εργασία υπό έκδοση με τίτλο’’ Αλλού με βγάζει ο δρόμος’’.